Nov 20, 2014

Christmas is coming to our home!

I made a simple garland with christmas ornaments today.
These ornaments are chic colors and some of them are glittered...☆
They were only 100 yen in total! I got them at DAISO♪

Then I decorated my box shelves with christmas miniatures.

...I'm finally feeling christmassy!

Sep 29, 2014

Send a letter to my little friend

 I spent a wonderful time with my friend and her 6 year old daughter yesterday.
She is so beautiful, smart and lovely girl.

  I know her since she was only two, and every time I see her, she gets bigger!

I decided to send her a thank - you letter.
I hope she love it!

Sep 20, 2014

Holidays in Atagawa

We spend wonderful holidays in Atagawa.

Atagawa is famous for its beach. Already the beach season was over, the beach was so quiet and there were few people.

 It's like a private beach!

Our daughter enjoyed playing sand for the first time!

I wanna play again...!

Then we took a nice hot spring bath and had delicious dinner.

Today's my ほぼ日!

Orange shaped cake I got at a Hotel. ごちそうさまでした!

Aug 1, 2014

Organizing My Closet

My small closet was so full of clothes before.
That made me uncomfortable and made it difficult to find what I really want to wear.

I decided to minimize my wardrobe when I moved to this apartment.
I knew what I love to wear, so I throw the clothes I don't want to wear anymore.

Now open my closet, I like everything I see!

Loving it more, I made some labels and...

put them on my clothing cases.
( In order to save space, I fold most of my clothes.)

Now it becomes easy to keep my wardrobe tidy.
Maybe its the little things in my life, but that make me actually happy!

Jul 7, 2014

Let's celebrate Tanabata Festival☆

Today, July 7th is Tanabata Festival Day in Japan. 
It is said that the Milky Way separates the lovers and only today they are allowed to meet only once a year on the seventh day of July.

We celebrate this day by decorating our room with star shaped origami and having tanabata lunch( Chirashi sushi)!

I hope the lovers meet again and have a wonderful day...☆

Jul 3, 2014

Welcome to my miniature rooms!


Time flies so quickly.
It's already July! 

I'd been away from playing with my miniatures since I gave a birth.
Now my girl is 14 month old and I have some time while she sleeps.

It's been a while!
I enjoyed miniature arrangements so much.

I displayed my miniatures in a shelf I got at IKEA.

It's time for breakfast!

I wish I had a chest like this...

Jun 21, 2014

Let's walking around!


I enjoyed walking around Tokyo city today.
Here are some shots from along the way...

Beautiful bookshelves in Muji store Yurakucho. 

Lunch at Muji Cafe. 
They were so delicious!

I bought a croissant for my oyatsu time...

Yum! ごちそうさまでした!